Friday, July 3, 2009

As I crack open the egg...

Sallams to you. I have finally located the entire film of the "Free Speech Summit" held in April. You can find the video on YouTube here. Is it just me, or do those so-called "well-respected, well-disciplined" politicians sound like animals to you? With their frequent "boos," exaggerated laughter, and excessively loud applause, they seem to have a lot of energy--or is it too much drinking? I finally got to hear the voice of Robert Spencer of Of course, he went in to his usual mockery of the "out-of-context" argument. I wonder who wrote that paper anyway?

Wilders spoke next, and I was amazed at how many applause he got by just saying "they make you think Islam is peace...well, it's not" or something similar (sorry, I didn't catch the exact quote.) That line had no credible information; it seems like everyone there just took his word for it. Just as I predicted earlier, he's a man with no credible information to go by, and I saw that in the convention. Everyone was there for one purpose only--to mock. And wow...did they mock! I felt like they spat right on my religion.

Wilders asked if Mosques would be burned if he released a video condemning Christianity, and then answered his own question by saying "no." Really? What are you, a fortune teller?

After Wilders is done speaking, Pam of Atlas Shrugs, who deleted my comment pointing to the paper I wrote against Wilders, introduces the video "Fitna." So the whole mocking audience gets to see Wilders image of Islam.

Next came the press conference, in which Wilders made it a point to say he admires Israel--which, I may add, got a lot of applause from CNN and all other news stations there. So is this a ploy by Israel, or is it a ploy by my government, or is it a ploy by Wilders, or is it a ploy by Robert Spencer? The deeper I dig, the more of a mess this whole thing becomes. It wasn't just about Wilders' speech, it was about Muslims being mocked, spat on, kicked at, insulted, debased, and alienated. I'm not sure how long the convention lasted, but whoever wrote that paper...nice try. I need to get a hold of it and read it. I think Spencer is guilty of his own ever-hated mistake: taking things out of context. And if you really did write "Wilders' claims are simply wrong...just wrong..." well, join the millions of Muslims who can't even defend their own religion--who won't even stand to sign a letter--and, like one of the speakers stated, won't even bat an eye against the terrorists. They are moved by their own faith, with no real reason to them being Muslim--where are our scholars and our so-called Ayatollahs? But I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, and if I do get a hold of your paper and see that it is just statements with no for my criticism as well.
Ma'a sallamah,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hiding from what you cannot fight

Dear Readers,
Sallamun alaikum. The hate campaign against Muslims is still an ongoing issue, and I want to bring your attention to something that showed me just how low the haters can get when they know their work is being compromised. Atlas Shrugs deleted a comment I had posted on the page where they give the transcript to Wilders' speech, three days after I posted it. I found out because I went back to the page to get some information from the speech, and realized my comment was not there. The comment referenced my blog post containing the rebuttal to Wilders' speech...and it was deleted from their site. Not only that, but the entry was closed to further commenting (I guess they didn't want me to come back and re-post it.) This was the second comment I submitted before I realized the topic had been closed:
"Hi Everyone,
This comment was deleted recently so I'm reposting it. I have written a rebuttal
to this speech which you can find here:
. I urge all of you to read it--it will help you understand the difference between
the Islam Wilders talks about, and the real Islam."
I guess Atlas Shrugs doesn't know what to do with the rebuttal--it seems to me that their dream of a "radical Islam" was crushed. I'm sorry, haters, but you do well when you do not get challenged--and when you do, see how you stand? I know you tried to wipe me off the net, but I'm still here, and we will press on!