A few days ago I found an article in USA Today concerning so-called honor killings. Here is the beginning of this particular article:
Muslim immigrant men have been accused of six "honor killings" in the United States in the past two years, prompting concerns that the Muslim community and police need to do more to stop such crimes.
"There is broad support and acceptance of this idea in Islam, and we're going to see it more and more in the United States," says Robert Spencer, who has trained FBI and military authorities on Islam and founded Jihad Watch, which monitors radical Islam.
There is broad support? Wait, since when did Robert Spencer get media attention? I know he sponsored a memorial recently for another girl who was killed by a so-called honor killing; but right from the start, this reporter seems to be aiming at something: to give only one side of a story. We can see that from their writing below:
Many Muslim leaders in the USA say that Islam does not promote honor killings and that the practice stems from sexism and tribal behavior that predates the religion.
"You're always going to get problems with chauvinism and suppressing vulnerable populations and gender discrimination," says Salam Al-Marayati, executive director of the Muslim
Public Affairs Council.
Not all agree. Zuhdi Jasser says some Muslim communities have failed to spell out how Islam deals with issues that can lead to violence.
"Not all agree?" Let us qualify that statement. "Arabs don't agree."
As far as Muslim communities failing to deal with violent actions. Let me say it like this. If we were to capture those men and stone them for committing crimes against Islam, this same reporter would say "Muslims kill each other for committing violent acts--Muslims are savages!"
The reporter immediately switched away from Salam Al-Marayati, who was explaining that honor killings predate Islam. This action reminds me of the video "Terrorism In Its Own Words" aired on Fox back in 2007. In that video, the interviewer cut off an interviewee who was explaining that suicide bombing is a political action and has no basis in Islam.
I agree that honor killings are a real concern; I'm not arguing against that. Instead, I want to make the distinction between Arabs and Muslims clear, once again, just like I did in a rebuttal to Geert Wilders.
Common fact tells us that before monotheism came to Saudi Arabia, Arabs would bury their daughters alive. If you're going to throw that "Palestine is not Arab" argument at me like they did on this Discover Vancouver thread, stop slamming me with cheap shots.
Finally, Mr. Spencer, let me show you exactly what Islam says concerning justice and women: (I have bolded important words and phrases. Sorry screen reader users, I'll find a way to textually denote this next time.)
O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women and fear Allâh through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship) . Surely, Allâh is Ever an AllWatcher over you.
Ironically enough, this comes from a chapter called "The Women."
Notice, firstly, the text uses the word "mutual." Here, the Quran doesn't specify "mens' rights" or "womens' rights." Next, the Quran commands Muslims to be "dutiful to your lord." In other words, don't commit injustice. Mind you, I'm taking this directly from the Quran, and you can read it for yourself.
And those of your women who commit illegal sexual intercourse, take the evidence of four witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them (i.e. women) to houses until death comes to them or Allâh ordains for them some (other) way.
The girl killed in the story I referenced was killed because she brought shame to her family because she had a boyfriend. Indeed, dating without a contract is illegal, hence she may have committed illegal sexual intercourse. Now, apply this verse to all that, and you can easily see that even in this circumstance, killing her is not permissible!
And the two persons (man and woman) among you who commit illegal sexual intercourse, punish them both. And if they repent (promise Allâh that they will never repeat, i.e. commit illegal sexual intercourse and other similar sins) and do righteous good deeds, leave them alone. Surely, Allâh is Ever the One Who accepts repentance, (and He is) Most Merciful.
Why, may I ask you, oh Mr. Spencer, is honor killing confined to women only? Clearly, if these so-called Muslims based it from the Quran, they would have killed both men and women who brought shame to their families; not just the women.
Despite the fact that CAIR released a statement some time ago saying exactly what Salam Al-Marayati said: it's a tribal thing, reporters still persist that honor killings are islamic, when in fact they're not. This becomes obvious when we look at the article as a whole:
Prosecutors charged Almaleki's father, Faleh Almaleki, with murder, saying the Iraqi immigrant was upset that his daughter rejected a husband she married in Iraq and moved in with an American.
See? It was a shame issue, not an Islamic issue. I know several parents who are upset over who their daughters are married to--the only difference between us and the Arabs and Middle Easterns is, they kill their daughters for these acts; we don't. Why is it when Japanese school students commit suicide, we're okay with it? "It's amazing how tied they are to family values." Then when an Arab does it, "Muslims are evil!" Do I support honor killings? No--no Muslim who actually studies the Quran will (I've proven that to you above.) I'm only asking you to look inward. Indeed, I'd love to hang this father over fire and watch him burn for committing such an act against his daughter; the same daughter God has commanded him to show mercy towards. Anyway, I don't see how such "shame" as the reporter puts it can lead a father to kill his daughter.
"By his own admission, this was an intentional act, and the reason was that his daughter had brought shame on him and his family," says Maricopa County prosecutor Stephanie Low, according to The Arizona Republic.
Again--a shame issue, not an Islamic issue.
Leaving all this aside, as I read further and further, I started wishing I'd never even opened the paper that day. Apparently, having boyfriends and girlfriends is "assimilating" with American culture. So you have to "get laid" to assimilate?
"How should young adult women be treated who want to assimilate more than their parents want them to assimilate?" asks Jasser, founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, which advocates a separation of mosque and state.
This is the exact problem we get when people are Muslim "just because" as I mentioned in an earlier post concerning religious robots. There is a narration from the Prophet Muhammad concerning this very question, where he says that you should raise your children in their time, not yours. A related narration talks about a father who came to Prophet and told him his son doesn't understand the father's native language, and all the lectures are in the father's native language. The Prophet said that because the father brought the son to this land, the father should learn the child's native language and not vice versa. All this shows us that people are allowed to "assimilate" as long as it is in the bounds of Islam. I guarantee you, if you really knew what was going through your so-called boyfriend's mind, you'd be horrified. Islam never said "don't date." All it says is "plan before entering a relationship"--hence the contract.
"How does an imam treat a woman who comes in and says she wants a divorce ... or how to deal with your daughter that got pregnant, and she's in high school?"
"The religion has failed to address this as a problem and failed to seriously work to abolish it as un-Islamic."
Jasser says his community needs to address how to treat young women who want to assimilate.
"Until we have women's liberation ... we're going to see these things increase."
My honored readers! All these answers are in clear sight! If a woman wants a divorce, based on Islamic law she is entitled to one. I already referenced verses above that talk about sexual acts with a non-mahram (someone who is not in a lawful relationship with you.) Won't you people read your book? When are you going to pick up that thing collecting dust on your book shelf and open it and find answers yourselves instead of looking at your religiously robotic parents for empty, misleading, and culturally influenced answers? Don't you get it? Open your ears!
"Womens' liberation?" That statement made me laugh. This man is a Muslim, and yet he whole-heartedly believes his religion condemns women. Islam doesn't need womens' liberation; Arabs need it. If Islam needed it, Saudi Arabia wouldn't be the only country to ban women from driving. Concerning assimilation again: it seems as if Jasser is implying that American women should shed their hijab and "be free." I still do not see how a Muslim can call himself Muslim and truely believe that total assimilation is the answer to all the problems. I do not see how you define womens' liberation as making them remove their hijab. I seriously doubt Muslim women want to be as disrespected as "assimilated" Western women are--if that were the case, women would not be converting to Islam quicker than men, Jasser.
I seriously think this calls for the birth of a new organization. I've honestly had it with these petty arguments and accusations time and again. I'm so sick of opening the paper and finding an anti-Islam article in there at least once a week; and I'm absolutely annoyed that I'm seeing the godforsaken name Robert Spencer pop up in mainstream media now.
At any rate, this is the newest attack on Islam--once again, thanks to Arabs. You baby killers with your 72 virgin philosophies, drinking, and opium growing. You're messing up the world for the rest of us, and I wish Islam had never come to you idiotic backwards animals in the first place. Go fill your harems and stop spreading your corrupt ideology in our land!
Ma'a sallamah,
you have a very good head on your shoulders. I'm ashamed to ammit I do not know nearly enough of the Quran as I would like (my audio version was stolen at the school for the blind )
fact is this country has always had this impulsive urge to assimilate everyone else to be like them. those that were here like the native American's and some that arrived with them and all that followed.
they also always had a problem just called it another name with so called honor killings families would kill someone who rebelled or did not follow thier ways again a tribal or tradition not religion based at all.
and the only reason they want Muslim women to dress and act like them is so our young girls and woman teens and barely teens will have preagnancies at as an alarmingly high rate as the rest of them, and so the women will be on a higher rape category so they want to make us equal to themin this.
this country needs a major history reminder course. Perhaps we should have a newspaper of our own just so we could send them free copies.
Hi Star,
Thanks for the compliment. I agree that we always have to have a scapegoat, it seems to be natural human mantality which is so sad. I have an audio version of the Quran uploaded to my website. The server's down right now but when it comes back up, I'll post the link here.
Good point about the assimilation; I couldn't agree with you more about that. The sad part of that though is that most "young adult women" in America who are Muslim are falling for that. I rarely meet a woman who proudly wears her hijab; in fact, I'm ashamed that some of them even call themselves Muslims because of the way they dress. Sure we call it "freedom" but covering yourself was to stop the evil eye. Unfortunately most Americans don't get that.
A newspaper in regular circulation would be a good idea. Perhaps our first step though is to start writing for editorial columns; people really do read that stuff. I think once we get enough people who are willing to put forth the effort to help us, things will start taking off.
Ma'a sallamah,
I agree it is such a shame so many teens and even some mothers prefer to not wear hijab to fit in instead of following all of our faith. I can't even open my door to a sister from the Mosque and be behind the door without my hijab or kilmar i always prefer the longest. and in public niqab as well.
there was a time in this country when if a woman had her ankles showing she was considered a bad woman. now look where we are.
too many people are afraid to take the first step. ( not me ) I just need to know it will be the best move or right one and of course always remaining calm so nothing bad can be said. most fear what others will say or think. I only care about what I have to answer for on the day of judgement. especially the question of why did you not defend your faith and correct the wrong accumptions. that is what matters.
so I think you are right we should get a list of collumns to write to or any other place that people will see and let people know the truth.
it has always been said no one wants to be the first but once a cause is known and is in good standing then others will join. so even if it starts with just a few I feel in my heart once seen it will grow.
Sallams Star,
I do think this is the right move to make if you'd like my reassurance. Here is the link to the Quran:
I definitely agree with you that it's not only the teenagers, but also mothers who are enforcing the notion that going out without hijab is okay. However, on the other side, we don't even see fathers enforcing modest dress in their sons, so it's not just the women; men have hijab as well, and it's largely ignored. You're one of the few I know who is actually proud of wearing the hijab, so my compliments there. It's people like you who will make the biggest impression of Islam. As I stated in one of my earlier posts, I can lecture about hijab all day but until someone sees someone who is actually wearing it, it's pointless.
Ma'a sallamah,
Sallams Munawar
Yes I think this is becoming a very big problem. With so many women men daughters and sons not dressing accordingly it makes bigger targets for those of us who do.
I am almost in tears from my first real inccident here in my town, somehow I thought things would be better as I am no longer the only Muslim in my town but since so many have rid themselves of the hijab dress it seems it is not much better.
I had gone to the store on Friday to get things for my children. I already had an appointment to see a Dr. about my hand and ankle from previous fall.
however from the several times some soldiers in the store rammed my cart I know have damage to my foot and knee as well, And may be having sergury on my hand the others we will wait to see if they heal. Just as badly though or even worse the last of my family members I lost except my children but thier father has forbis them for now to answer the phone to talk to me.
I'm ready to make a stand and to correct the ignorance of our faith to non Muslims and to perhaps remind some Muslims of how they should behave. It is all very overwhelming so much so I can't even think where to start. any ideas. Please keep my children in Duas as I was banned because my 6 year old daughter would run and prepare to pray when my Anthm would sound on my computer.
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